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Set Up

Now you are ready to set up a little bit more. A pop up guide on your dashboard will help you. Just click the numbered steps and complete as they are personalized to your business.

Business Hours.

  • This is straightforward and up to your working hours.

Create location.

  • Add your location name. If you work online, you can just name it “online”.
  • You can upload a location image if you want.
  • Type the location address
  • Point your location on the map. You can zoom in to get more precise if you wish.
  • You can add “Phone” and “Description”
  • If you don’t want the location to show, you can HIDE the location. This button is located bottom left of the location settings box.
  • SAVE

Create staff.

On staff details, fill all relevant infos. This can be yourself and/or others.

Set up the “Weekly Schedule” by turning ON “Configure specific timesheet”.

Add “Special Days” with time range if you want. This will “block” the staff from showing up in the booking panel during the day/time range you choose.

Add “Holidays”. Just click the staff days off and save.

Create Service.

You can create a service/s by using the “graphic view” or “list view” and they both achieve the same result. Most users prefer the “list view” as it seems to be easier.

Service Details

First you must create a “Category”. Then you can create a “Service”.


Next, assign the service to a “Staff”


You can assign a specific “timesheet” for this service and/or “special days”.


If this particular service has “Extras”, you can add them here. Don’t forget to SAVE THE EXTRA.


Lastly you can configure “settings” if you require it.