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Customer Panel Settings

Front-end Customer Panel

The Front-End Customer panel allows your customers to manage their appointments or to make changes to their appointments. Thanks to the front-end customer panel, your customers will be able to create their profiles and make changes to their profiles.

Please note that the customer panel is not for booking appointments but only for your customer to manage their appointments if you allow it and want them to use it.

Configure the Front-end customer panel

A basic setup is needed to use to make the customer panel available to your customers.

Please navigate to: Settings > Front-end Panels > Customer Panel

In this section, you can determine the authorities that you can give your customers about their accounts.

Username and Passwords of Customers for Front-end panel

Create a customer profile when a new booking is made

Customer registration takes place when your customer makes an appointment on your site for the first time. When the customer makes an appointment for the first time, a customer profile is created, and the password is automatically generated and sent to the customer via the workflow notification.

You should consider that the registration process only happens once, and you cannot send the user information to your customer after each appointment. This is because the password is sent to the customer when it is created, and then it cannot be reached because it is encrypted.

New Customer Created Workflow

Now let’s create the workflow to send new customer notifications. Create a new workflow and select the “New customer created” event and any notification action you want. This workflow event will automatically create customer accounts upon their appointments. The random password will be created and will be sent to the customer via the workflow notifications.

You can use the following template.

Hi {customer_first_name},

You can access your customer panel from here.

Email: {customer_email}

Password: {customer_password} (You can change it later)


{company_name} (or your name)

PLEASE NOTE: the clickable word “here” above is bookon.cloud/customer-panel. You can use any term but need to link it with the above url.

Now, when the unregistered customer makes an appointment on your website, the random password will be generated by using in the email body the {customer_password} keyword provided, and sent to the customer via email. Your customer can login with the generate password but they can change it later.

Please keep in mind that, as far as the email of your customers will be also their username, you will need to make an email address field is a required field for the correct configuration of your Front-end Customer Panel.

Please keep in mind that, as far as the email of your customers will be also their username, you will need to make an email address field, a required field for the correct configuration of your Front-end Customer Panel.

To make the email address as required field please go to: Settings > Front-end Panels > Booking Steps

On “Information” set email as “required” by turning the toggle ON.