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Payment Settings


Here you can choose the currency used by your business.
Default value: USD ($)

Currency symbol

Regardless of the currency you choose, you can use any currency symbol you want.

Currency format

You can specify the currency format. There are 4 type of currency formats:
 – $100
 – $ 100
 – 100$
 – 100 $

Default value: $100

Price number format

You can specify the Price number format with these settings. There are 4 types of formats:
 – 45 000.00
 – 45,000.00
 – 45 000,00
 – 45.000,00

Default value: 45 000.00

Price number of decimals

From here, you can specify how much the price will be rounded after the comma. If you only need full prices – no need for new rounding, you can do this with the option.
Default value: 100.00 ( 2 decimals)

How long to wait for payment

Sometimes customers fail with their payment. With the help of this feature, if your customers fail to pay for any reason, the system will wait for the customer for the period of time you choose, and the timeslot chosen by the customer will be kept busy. If the customer cannot make the payment within this period, this timeslot will be free again, and other customers will be able to make appointments for this timeslot.

Customers can pay the full amount

With the deposit payments feature, your customers can book the services you want by only paying the deposit fee. However, if you activate this option, your customers can pay the full-service fee in addition to the deposit fee if they wish.

Payment methods

You can accept payments via:

Stripe, Paypal, Mollie, Square and Local payment.

You have to make sure they are activated and filled with your accounts “keys” and set the “mode” to LIVE and not sandbox.

You must create Apps on these payment gateways. Here are the links for those payment gateways.

You can also try the Sandbox Mode if you want to test the payment. After the successful test, you can change the Sandbox mode to the Live mode.

Payment methods must support the currency you choose in Settings > Payment settings > General

Giftcard: By using the Giftcard payment method you can allow your customers to make appointments without paying only but only use the Giftcard balance. Giftcards can only be used for paying the entire amount or the deposit amount.

Local payment: It is a payment method that does not require any online payment among payment methods. If you use this payment method, your customers will make appointments without making any payments. If you want to receive appointment payments from your customers in person, this payment method will suit you.