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BookOn Affiliate Program

Start earning with bookon affiliate program

This guide will walk you through how to start earning by joining BookOn Affiliate Program.

Generally speaking, affiliate marketing involves referring a product or service by sharing it on a blog, social media platform, podcast, or website. The affiliate earns a commission each time someone makes a purchase through the unique affiliate link associated with their recommendation.

You can use and place this unique affiliate link to promote BookOn platform on your:

  • Website, blog, article
  • Insert affiliate link in your product reviews and tutorials
  • Add affiliate link to your resources page
  • Place affiliate banners on your website
  • Use affiliate link in your newsletters and email sequences
  • Embed affiliate link into your video content
  • Promote affiliate link on social media and forums
  • Include affiliate link to your own products
  • Insert link on your YouTube video description
  • Twitter posts
  • TikTok
  • Facebook post, reels, page, ads, etc.
  • Your email newsletter/list (but NO spam)

You will find your unique affiliate link when you click your name on the top right of your admin panel.

When the user click your affiliate link, sign up with BookOn and within 30 days, picks a paid plan, you get paid 30% recurring commission

How much can you earn with BookOn affiliate program?

It really depends on how well you perform. Our commissions are recurring meaning that when you get a user to signup and pick a paid plan, you will get paid on a monthly basis for as long that user is with bookon. 

To know more about our affiliate program, click here.

Please read the affiliate program terms & conditions.